
Archive for May, 2007

Setelah 9 bulan berada dlm kandungan, maka tanggal 2 Julai 1977 bersamaan 15 Rejab 1398H, lahirlah seorang jejaka yang kini hensem lagi macho, kacak serta tampan di alam maya ni (aku le tu…hehehe). Terima kasih emak atas penat jerih mengendong selama 9 bulan serta susah payah membesarkan anakmu (yg menurut crita dikatakan masa kecik2 dulu boleh tahan juga la perangainye…). Skrg ni dh besaq dh pn…

Sesungguhnya begitu besar dan banyak perngorbanan seorang ibu demi kebahagian anak2 mereka. Walaupun kebanyakan daripada anak2 ni biasanya tak tahu, sesetengahnya buat2 tak tahu, yg lain pula tak mau ambil tau macam mana susah payah pengorbanan si ibu ni, namun si ibu biasanya tak ambil kesah pun, sayangnya si ibu ni pada anak2. Sampai bila2 pn tak mampu dan tak akan terbalas jasa ibu ni. Tak payah banyak, harga setitis susu ibu pn tak akan terbayar smpai bila2….

Diriwayatkan daripada Abu Hurairah r.a katanya: Telah datang seorang lelaki kepada Rasulullah s.a.w lalu bertanya: Siapakah manusia yang paling berhak untuk aku layani dengan sebaik mungkin? Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: Ibumu. Beliau bertanya lagi: Kemudian siapa? Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: Kemudian ibumu. Beliau terus bertanya: Kemudian siapa? Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: Kemudian ibumu. Beliau terus bertanya: Kemudian siapa? Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: Kemudian ayahmu.

Lagu ini ditujukan khas buat seluruh kaum ibu di segenap pelusuk alam.

My Mother by Yusuf Islam

(Teacher): “The Prophet Muhammad (sall-Allahu alayhi wa sallam) told us that we must obey Allah and His messenger at all times. But who else did he tell us to listen to, and be close to?

(Children): “My Mother!”

Who should you give your love to?
Your respect and your honour to?
Who should you pay good mind to – after Allah,
And Rasullullah?
Comes your Mother,
Who next? Your Mother
Who next? Your Mother
And then you Father

Cause who used to hold you
And clean you and clothe you?
Who used to feed you
And always be with you?
When you were sick, stay up all night,
Holding you tight?
That’s right no other, your Mother

Who should you take good care of,
Giving all your love?
Who should you think the most of – after Allah
And Rasullullah?
Comes your Mother,
Who next? Your Mother
Who next? Your Mother
And then you Father

Cause who used to hear you
Before you could talk?
Who used to hold you
Before you could walk?
And when you fell, who’d pick you up?
Clean your cut?
No one but, your Mother, your Mother

Who should you stay right close to?
Listen most to?
Never say no to – after Allah
And Rasullullah?
Comes your Mother,
Who next? Your Mother
Who next? Your Mother
And then you Father

Cause who used to hug you
And buy you new clothes?
Comb your hair and blow your nose?
And when you cried who wiped your tears?
Knows your fears? Who really cares?
Your Mother

Say Alhamdulillah,
Thank you Allah
Thank You Allah for my Mother

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